What we aim at doing (vision & mission) - Styleyn

What we aim at doing (vision & mission)

We are working tirelessly to curb fast fashion while using sustainability and ethics as the prime cornerstones of our foundation. By closing the loop, we strive to shift the way our fashion trends are perceived. We are here to make a difference.

Connecting Circular Dots

We not only created a fashion brand but a formula to cut out on fast fashion. Closing the fashion industry's loop is what Styleyn aims at doing. And by this, we mean that everything, from textiles to garment manufacturing and cloth recycling, spins around circularity without breaking the chains.

Bridging the gap between Sustainable Fashion and Trending Fashion

The fashion industry contributes a lion's share to global pollution, yet our need to consume more fast fashion clothes knows no bounds. We are hard pressed to believe that more than half of the clothes in your wardrobe have hardly made their way out of it because either you have only worn them once or never. As a result, more than a half-dozen of them will end up in landfills, clogging them. So, to safeguard the future of our planet, we paved a way in the name of STYLEYN, where we are constantly working to blur the line between trending fashion and sustainable fashion. Styleyn is frequently used interchangeably with phrases like stylein or stylin. Click here to get a pronunciation guide for our brand name. 

Sustainable Fashion is not Slow fashion

Sustainable fashion is frequently misunderstood with slow fashion, but we choose to use the word Mindful fashion instead. This is because while keeping our planet and its inhabitants in the forefront of our minds, we also place a strong emphasis on crafting collections following the current line of trends for both men and women, whether they be 80's fashion or Pinterest-inspired fashion. With utmost care, we have moulded an incredibly creative, dedicated, and fashion-savvy team, who entrust our customers by ensuring that all of their needs are addressed. We strive to use ecologically sound raw materials including organic cotton, linen and polyester in garment production, along with upcycling fabrics that are sitting at the deadstock. In saying this, we can say that we are on our way to a zero-waste future for the planet. To learn more about our brand read Our Story.

Let Us Be Ethically Kind

Moral behaviour is the only thing that can bring contentment and tranquillity in all facets of life. Worse still, we have become accustomed to living in an environment where clothing is inexpensive. We have become so oblivious to the reality that these garments are made at the expense of the lives of workers and the environment. In consideration of this, we spared no effort to uphold moral principles in our fashion practices and to show kindness to all stakeholders involved in the ready-to-wear production process, from seeds to clothing and be ethical in our fashion practices. Read more about the fibers we use in our clothing production here.

All in One Fashion House

Every cloth at Styleyn is hand-crafted with a piece of fabric, some creativity and poured out with a lot of love. To breathe life into our clothes, we employ 100% environment friendly fabrics without compromising quality or style. With its urban conscious, sustainable, and ethically manufactured clothes, Styleyn is an all in one fashion house for both men and women's fashion. Aren't clothes that are friendly to the environment and for ourselves is what we all desire for?


Author - Mehak Abrol


1 comment

Satya Seshadri

Satya Seshadri

Excellent fit

Excellent fit

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